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What is Machine Learning? Definition, Types and Examples



how machine learning works

The goal of supervised learning is to map input data with the output data. The supervised learning is based on supervision, and it is the same as when a student learns things in the supervision of the teacher. The reason behind the need for machine learning is that it is capable of doing tasks that are too complex for a person to implement directly.

  • For example, a dataset for a supervised task might contain real estate data and price of each property.
  • The result is a model that can be used in the future with different sets of data.
  • Reinforcement learning algorithms are used for language processing, self-driving vehicles and game-playing AIs like Google’s AlphaGo.
  • In the case of a deep learning model, the feature extraction step is completely unnecessary.
  • The more generic ones include situations where data used for training is not clean and contains a lot of noise or garbage values, or the size of it is simply too small.
  • With time, these chatbots are expected to provide even more personalized experiences, such as offering legal advice on various matters, making critical business decisions, delivering personalized medical treatment, etc.

Machine learning ethics is becoming a field of study and notably be integrated within machine learning engineering teams. “Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience and by the use of data. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. If we talk about supervised versus unsupervised machine learning, unsupervised algorithms aren’t capable of performing processing tasks of the same complexity as supervised. An unsupervised learning AI system can figure out on its own how to sort data, but it might also add undesired categories to the output.

Providing Initial Input


Machine learning algorithms recognize patterns and correlations, which means they are very good at analyzing their own ROI. For companies that invest in machine learning technologies, this feature allows for an almost immediate assessment of operational impact. Below is just a small sample of some of the growing areas of enterprise machine learning applications. Perhaps the most famous demonstration of the efficacy of machine-learning systems is the 2016 triumph of the Google DeepMind AlphaGo AI over a human grandmaster in Go, a feat that wasn’t expected until 2026. Go is an ancient Chinese game whose complexity bamboozled computers for decades. Over the course of a game of Go, there are so many possible moves that searching through each of them in advance to identify the best play is too costly from a computational standpoint.

  • Supported algorithms in Python include classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.
  • The goal of a supervised machine learning algorithm is to predict something given a feature set of a phenomenon.
  • To achieve deep learning, the system engages with multiple layers in the network, extracting increasingly higher-level outputs.
  • Things like growing volumes and varieties of available data, computational processing that is cheaper and more powerful, and affordable data storage.
  • Data science is the broad scientific study that focuses on making sense of data.
  • You build a model of likely factors that might help identify what’s a cat in images, colors, shapes and so on.

Artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning are deeply entrenched in our daily lives. These technologies might seem similar to some; indeed, they are interlinked although they have differences. It is a set of neural networks that tries to enact the workings of the human brain and learn from its experiences.

How does reinforcement learning work?

Computer vision systems will combine the machine learning approaches previously discussed with hardware like cameras, optical sensors, etc.. This approach does provide some limitations, including challenges with hardware and how to convert images into helpful data structures for machine learning. However, the ultimate goal of MLand artificial intelligence for many researchers is to increase the usefulness of these systems across multiple domains.


how machine learning works

Machine learning has developed based on the ability to use computers to probe the data for structure, even if we do not have a theory of what that structure looks like. The test for a machine learning model is a validation error on new data, not a theoretical test that proves a null hypothesis. Because machine learning often uses an iterative approach to learn from data, the learning can be easily automated.

Machine Learning’s Role Will Only Continue to Grow

Machine learning can speed up one or more of these steps in this lengthy multi-step process. When AI research first started, researchers were trying to replicate human intelligence for specific tasks — like playing a game. You also hear executives saying they want to implement AI in their services. IBM Watson is a machine learning juggernaut, offering adaptability to most industries and the ability to build to huge scale across any cloud. The goal of BigML is to connect all of your company’s data streams and internal processes to simplify collaboration and analysis results across the organization. In Layman’s terms, Activation Functions deliver outputs based on the input.


how machine learning works

Suppose you are looking to start harnessing the power of AI to boost your help desk capabilities. In that case, we encourage you to try it as it seamlessly integrates into your IT infrastructure, improving first response times and data accuracy for better routing and reporting. For instance, some models are more suited to dealing with texts, while they may better equip others to handle images. These categories come from the learning received or feedback given to the system developed. The y-axis is the loss value, which depends on the difference between the label and the prediction, and thus the network parameters — in this case, the one weight w. In this particular example, the number of rows of the weight matrix corresponds to the size of the input layer, which is two, and the number of columns to the size of the output layer, which is three.

Uses of Machine Learning

Two models are used for image captioning, both as important as the other. The image-based model will start by extracting features from the image, while the language-based model will translate those features into a logical sentence. Natural Language Processing (NLP) uses machine learning to reveal the structure and meaning of text. It analyzes text to understand the sentiment and extract key information. For example, if a model is given pictures of both dogs and cats, it isn’t already trained to know the features that differentiate both.


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For example, UberEats uses machine learning to estimate optimum times for drivers to pick up food orders, while Spotify leverages machine learning to offer personalized content and personalized marketing. And Dell uses machine learning text analysis to save hundreds of hours analyzing thousands of employee surveys to listen to the voice of employee (VoE) and improve employee satisfaction. This model is used to predict quantities, such as the probability an event will happen, meaning the output may have any number value within a certain range. Predicting the value of a property in a specific neighborhood or the spread of COVID19 in a particular region are examples of regression problems. There are a number of classification algorithms used in supervised learning, with Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naive Bayes among the most common. Once the input variables have been multiplied by their respective weight, the Bias will be added to it.


Entertainment Machine Learning Examples

In this example, a domain expert would need to spend considerable time engineering a conventional machine learning system to detect the features that represent a cat. With deep learning, all that is needed is to supply the system with a very large number of cat images, and the system can autonomously learn the features that represent a cat. Deep learning networks learn by discovering intricate structures in the data they experience. By building computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers, the networks can create multiple levels of abstraction to represent the data. The accuracy, heterogeneity, linearity, and redundancy of the data should also be analyzed before selecting a supervised learning algorithm.

Just as vision played a crucial role in the evolution of life on earth, deep learning and neural networks will enhance the capabilities of robots. Increasingly, they will be able to understand their environment, make autonomous decisions, collaborate with us, and augment our own capabilities. Training data must be cleaned and balanced before it’s presented to the model. Duplicates and low-quality data that doesn’t fit predefined labels will alter the algorithm, and model accuracy will drop as well.


What’s the Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

You can learn more about machine learning in various ways, including self-study, traditional college degree programs and online boot camps. Machine learning is part of the Berkeley Data Analytics Boot Camp curriculum, which gives students insights into how machine learning works. Berkeley FinTech Boot Camp can help demonstrate how machine learning works specifically in the finance sector.

How does machine learning work in simple words?

Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches computers to think in a similar way to how humans do: Learning and improving upon past experiences. It works by exploring data and identifying patterns, and involves minimal human intervention.

Legislation such as this has forced companies to rethink how they store and use personally identifiable information (PII). As a result, investments in security have become an increasing priority for businesses as they seek to eliminate any vulnerabilities and opportunities for surveillance, hacking, and cyberattacks. The system used reinforcement learning to learn when to attempt an answer (or question, as it were), which square to select on the board, and how much to wager—especially on daily doubles.


How Deep Learning Works

When analyzing mammograms for signs of breast cancer, a locked algorithm would be unable to learn from new subpopulations to which it is applied. Since average breast density can differ by race, this could lead to misdiagnoses if the system screens people from a demographic group that was underrepresented in the training data. Similarly, a credit-scoring algorithm trained on a socioeconomically segregated subset of the population can discriminate against certain borrowers in much the same way that the illegal practice of redlining does.

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Long before we began using deep learning, we relied on traditional machine learning methods including decision trees, SVM, naïve Bayes classifier and logistic regression. “Flat” here refers to the fact these algorithms cannot normally be applied directly to the raw data (such as .csv, images, text, etc.). Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which is a subset of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a general term that refers to techniques that enable computers to mimic human behavior. Machine learning represents a set of algorithms trained on data that make all of this possible. In traditional terms, artificial intelligence or AI is simply an algorithm, code, or technique that enables machines to mimic, develop, and demonstrate human cognition or behavior.

how machine learning works

How machine learning works in real life?

Facial recognition is one of the more obvious applications of machine learning. People previously received name suggestions for their mobile photos and Facebook tagging, but now someone is immediately tagged and verified by comparing and analyzing patterns through facial contours.



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Alta Performance com Equilíbrio: O Segredo Real para Vencer na Vida Moderna

Renata César propõe um novo modelo de sucesso baseado em constância, bem-estar e hábitos sustentáveis — e não na exaustão. Você precisa se esgotar para vencer? Talvez não. A busca desenfreada pela alta performance — produtividade máxima, corpo ideal, sucesso financeiro e vida perfeita nas redes sociais — se tornou o novo padrão. Mas esse […]



Renata César propõe um novo modelo de sucesso baseado em constância, bem-estar e hábitos sustentáveis — e não na exaustão.

Você precisa se esgotar para vencer? Talvez não. A busca desenfreada pela alta performance — produtividade máxima, corpo ideal, sucesso financeiro e vida perfeita nas redes sociais — se tornou o novo padrão. Mas esse modelo está nos adoecendo. O Brasil é o país mais ansioso do mundo, segundo a OMS. E 80% das pessoas desistem de programas de saúde nos primeiros meses. O motivo? Um sistema de exigência extrema, que ignora a individualidade e o equilíbrio emocional.

Renata César propõe uma nova rota: vencer sem se perder.

Especialista em qualidade de vida, Renata acredita que o verdadeiro sucesso vem da constância, da leveza e do alinhamento com o próprio ritmo. Para ela, “o verdadeiro avanço acontece quando adotamos uma rotina equilibrada, sem a pressão da perfeição”.


A Nova Ciência da Performance Equilibrada

Estudos da Harvard Health mostram que pessoas que cultivam equilíbrio têm 45% mais chance de manter bons hábitos no longo prazo. Pequenas mudanças, feitas de forma contínua, geram grandes transformações.


Caminhar 20 minutos por dia, ajustar o sono, reduzir gradualmente o açúcar… Tudo isso reduz em até 40% os níveis de cortisol e aumenta os hormônios do bem-estar.  Ou seja: menos cobrança, mais saúde — e, paradoxalmente, mais resultados.

Esgotamento Não é Vitória: É Alerta! 


O relatório State of the Global Workplace 2023 revelou que 60% das pessoas se sentem emocionalmente exaustas. Isso não é sucesso. Isso é colapso.

Renata reforça:  

“Se você precisa sacrificar sua saúde mental para ter sucesso, então esse sucesso não é sustentável.” A Filosofia de Renata César: O Jogo É com Você, não com os Outros.

A proposta é clara:   Pare de correr contra o tempo e contra os outros.  

Comece a caminhar com você.


“Ganhar o jogo da vida não é sobre ser o melhor no menor tempo possível. É sobre construir um caminho sólido, sustentável e alinhado ao seu próprio ritmo” diz Renata.

O Futuro da Alta Performance é Humano

Esse novo olhar já vem impactando milhares de pessoas que encontraram, no equilíbrio, a chave para crescer de forma leve e contínua. Não se trata de vencer o outro. Mas de vencer a si mesmo — todos os dias — com presença, consciência e bem-estar.

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Treinos intensos, influenciadoras e muita energia: Decathlon lança nova coleção com eventos exclusivos no Rio, SP e BH

Uma manhã de alto desempenho, mulheres inspiradoras e uma experiência fitness inesquecível! Assim foi o lançamento da nova coleção Endor Fitness, da Decathlon, que tomou conta do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte em uma série de eventos exclusivos repletos de movimento, bem-estar e tecnologia esportiva. Com treinos desafiadores comandados por especialistas, o […]



Uma manhã de alto desempenho, mulheres inspiradoras e uma experiência fitness inesquecível! Assim foi o lançamento da nova coleção Endor Fitness, da Decathlon, que tomou conta do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte em uma série de eventos exclusivos repletos de movimento, bem-estar e tecnologia esportiva.

Com treinos desafiadores comandados por especialistas, o evento fez parte da campanha Movendo Todas, uma iniciativa da Decathlon para incentivar a prática esportiva entre as mulheres. No Rio de Janeiro, a energia do Quiosque Musa, em São Conrado, foi palco de um aulão funcional intenso com o personal Ricardo Lapa, reunindo influenciadoras e apaixonadas por treino à beira-mar. Em São Paulo, a Decathlon Morumbi ferveu com a performance do Lapa Team, levando um circuito de alta intensidade que testou os limites das participantes. Já em Belo Horizonte, a treinadora Tayná Karine colocou as convidadas para suar com uma aula transformadora na Decathlon BH Sul.

Mas não foi só suor e superação! Após os treinos, as participantes desfrutaram de um brunch especial, pensado para repor as energias com opções nutritivas e equilibradas. Além disso, puderam experimentar a nova coleção Endor Fitness em primeira mão, sentindo na pele o conforto e a tecnologia dos tecidos respiráveis e modelagens ergonômicas que prometem revolucionar o mundo fitness.

Com uma proposta inovadora, a Decathlon reforçou seu compromisso de tornar o esporte acessível e inspirar mulheres a se movimentarem sem limitações. Se você perdeu essa experiência única, confira agora as fotos exclusivas dos eventos e sinta a energia contagiante que tomou conta das cidades!


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 Lollapalooza Brasil 2025: Budweiser apresenta DJs brasileiros no Palco Bud Zero

Conteúdo parceiro | Nextpop Falta pouco para o Lollapalooza Brasil 2025 e os fãs já estão se preparando para três dias inesquecíveis de música e experiências únicas nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de março. Entre as novidades mais aguardadas deste ano está o Palco Bud Zero, um espaço dentro do estande da Budweiser que promete […]



Conteúdo parceiro | Nextpop

Falta pouco para o Lollapalooza Brasil 2025 e os fãs já estão se preparando para três dias inesquecíveis de música e experiências únicas nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de março. Entre as novidades mais aguardadas deste ano está o Palco Bud Zero, um espaço dentro do estande da Budweiser que promete transformar os intervalos dos shows em verdadeiras pistas de dança. Afinal, com Bud Zero o Lolla dura mais! A programação especial traz nomes festejados da música eletrônica nacional, como Syon Trio, Discos Baratos, Camila Mina e Thay Girão, que assumem a picape para manter a energia do festival sempre no alto!  

Um dos espaços mais disputados do Lollapalooza Brasil, o estande da Budweiser promete ser ainda mais vibrante em 2025, atraindo quem quer prolongar a festa e curtir cada segundo do festival. Confira o line-up do Palco Bud Zero:

Além de curtir sets eletrizantes, quem visitar o espaço da Budweiser poderá aproveitar ativações exclusivas. Os brindes incluem tirantes personalizados para copos e celulares, garantindo que o público aproveite cada momento com estilo. Outra atração imperdível é um camarim interativo, inspirado nas exigências mais icônicas e extravagantes dos maiores astros da música – o cenário perfeito para fotos incríveis dignas de um verdadeiro rockstar. Para completar a experiência, o estande contará com torneiras de chopp com autoatendimento, garantindo um serviço rápido e prático – especialmente para quem já estiver com o copo da Bud em mãos.  

Não perca nenhuma novidade sobre a Budweiser no Lollapalooza Brasil 2025! Acompanhe tudo pelas redes sociais da marca.


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