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Independent Contractor Contracts



What Is an Independent Contractor

Our real estate agent was a wonderful resource for finding our home and negotiating some of the key terms, but there was something missing in the process. I’ve spent the last 10 years helping those who were in the same situation we were in better understand the process. If you are unsure whether you own the rights to a work you created or a product you developed as an independent contractor, review your contract agreement. However, an employer can become the owner if the independent contractor agreement specifically assigns to him or her the rights to any work made under or according to the agreement. It is extremely important to read an independent contractor agreement very carefully before you sign to ensure that you do not give away your rights to valuable intellectual property. They aren’t eligible for unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation.

What Is an Independent Contractor

Professional liability insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance (E&O), protects you from lawsuits over accusations of missed deadlines, budget overruns, or poor-quality work. Independent contractors may work remotely, especially in today’s gig economy, although some have to work onsite. An employer who furnishes a worker with significant tools, materials, or other equipment tends to show that the worker is an employee.

Pay Estimated Income And Self

The amount of initiative, judgment or foresight in open-market competition with others required for the success of the claimed independent enterprise. Entrepreneurial and distinctive work favors an independent contractor relationship. When a worker makes a significant investment in the equipment they use in working for someone else, this suggests an independent contractor relationship. When you form an LLC, you likely need to receive an income from the business. Here are several options available for setting regular payments to yourself.


Using Multiplier, you can generate employment contractors for freelancers and full-time employees distinctly in a few clicks. The platform helps you generate contracts in 120+ languages ensuring that there is no misconception around understanding the terms of the contract. Most people who call themselves “freelancers” are considered to be independent contractors by the IRS—the two terms are basically interchangeable. How are employment status determinations made by EDD for purposes of Unemployment Insurance or State Disability Insurance benefits? EDD may make employment determinations through an employment tax audit or through determining a claim for Unemployment Insurance or State Disability Insurance benefits. For work performed prior to January 1, 2020, employment status will be determined by the existing provisions of Unemployment Insurance Code section 621, which requires EDD to use the Borello test.

Earn More Income

The cons of being an independent contractor are related to the risk of going bankrupt and the opportunity cost of a regular career. They aren’t supported by a regular salary when business is terrible, and their income is unpredictable and highly volatile month over and year over year. This income fluctuation undermines them vis-a-vis banks and lenders for mortgages, car loans, and other types of loans.

  • Attorney Gaudet currently works in Massachusetts real estate law, business and corporate law, and bankruptcy law.
  • Independent contractors need to arrange for their own training and cover the costs.
  • Never allow a contractor to begin work on behalf of your company without a fully executed contract or agreement.
  • Independent contractor refers to a self-employed individual who provides work for another person or organization under contract but not classified as employees.

Being an independent contractor comes with a variety of benefits, including flexibility, autonomy and tax deductions for business expenses. However, there are some potential drawbacks about being self-employed to consider too. In this article, we define what an independent contractor is and list examples, as well as explore the pros and cons of this type of work. You’re not an independent contractor if your employer controls what you do and how it’s done. This applies even if you’re given freedom of action in how you perform your duties. However, the employer has the legal right to control the details of how your services are performed.

Should I Offer Independent Contractor Benefits?

I absolutely love helping my clients buy their first home, sell their starters, upgrade to their next big adventure, or transition to their next phase of life. The confidence my clients have going into a transaction and through the whole process is one of the most rewarding aspects of practicing this type of law. My very first class in law school was property law, and let me tell you, this was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I remember vividly cracking open that big red book and staring at the pages not having the faintest idea what I was actually reading. Despite those initial scary moments, I grew to love property law. My obsession with real estate law was solidified when I was working in Virginia at a law firm outside DC.

  • This contrasts with employees, who usually work at the schedule required by the employer, and whose performance the employer directly supervises.
  • These individuals are trained to handle the tax issues and deductions independent contractors encounter.
  • They aren’t eligible for unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation.
  • The IRS wants to make sure that your workers are properly classified and paying the government the necessary income and payroll taxes that are due.
  • Below, we expand on ten key rights that independent contractors have.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance, while not typically required for independent contractors, can pay your medical bills and lost wages if you’re injured on the job.

Instead, independent contractors are subject to self-employment tax. However, as sole proprietors, independent contractors do not necessarily pay taxes on their gross earnings. Applicable business expenses can reduce their overall tax obligation.

What Are The Tax Requirements For Independent Contractors?

You can start using a name like this without filing any paperwork. For help choosing a business name, see Pick a Winning Name for Your Business. On the other hand, if you want to be an independent contractor, taking these steps will help solidify your status as one.

What Is an Independent Contractor

Bench assumes no liability for actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein. Remember that as an independent contractor, you’ll have to set aside all of your self-employment taxes, Social Security, and Medicare contributions yourself. Schedule SE is one of many schedules of Form 1040, the form you use to file your individual income tax return. Both the Borello test and the ABC test assume that the worker is an employee and the hiring entity must prove that the worker is an independent contractor. A person hired to do work for another but who is not an employee or agent of that person. Control is subjected to the end result and not as to how the work is performed as opposed to an employee who receives direction on what, when and, to some degree, how to do a job.


Use A Written Contract

The tax framework of working with independent contractors may also be more complex than PAYE. Proper classification can prove particularly difficult for “gig workers” who work for online What Is an Independent Contractor hiring platforms like Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit, Upwork, Postmates, and many others. Gig workers are usually classified as independent contractors by their online hiring platforms.

  • Plus, an employer does not have to pay employment taxes for an independent contractor.
  • A tax attorney can help you generate the legal documents necessary for managing 1099 employees.
  • In his work as an attorney, he has focused exclusively in areas of small business, taxation, and trusts.
  • The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure.
  • Namely, it identifies if the employer controls the nature of the work at hand and whether or not they determine how the employee performs their duties.

The company should not withhold any of the IC’s taxes but should still send a copy of total earnings at the end of the tax year to the contractor. Requirements for this reporting and documentation vary across jurisdictions. Essentially, the IC is responsible for making their own tax payments. A written contract will not always fully protect a principal company against issues that arise out of a principal/contractor relationship.

Should I Have Independent Contractors Sign Contracts?

Independent contractors are not employees and therefore are not subject to employment tax withholding nor are they covered by most employment laws. Because of this nonemployee status, there are legal restrictions as to who can be classified as an independent contractor. Various federal government agencies and some states have their own tests to determine independent-contractor status.

What Is an Independent Contractor

An independent contractor is self-employed and provides services to other businesses and the general public. Some independent contractors prefer the title of freelancer, which is often used by those in creative fields. Like independent contractors, freelancers determine their own rates and specify if they will be paid by the hour or per job. Among those that work with a single client, some independent contractors will actually come to the company’s office, work side-by-side with employees, and even have a workstation. They are also more likely to be added to a company’s internal communication platforms, such as Slack.

They are responsible for all business costs—no reimbursable expense reports for them—and if working alone, they lack the support and camaraderie of coworkers. They have complete control over building their business, from hiring and firing to choosing clients. Unlike employees who have a set annual salary, there’s no limit on how much money they can earn. Finally, they can enjoy the sense of pride and accomplishment in building a successful business enterprise that belongs to no one but them. Whether the relationship is one of employer-employee will depend on several factors.

Take Advantage Of Deductions And Tax Breaks

Also, independent contractors must pay estimated taxes each quarter, whereas employees generally have taxes withheld from their paychecks by their employer. Using independent contractors can help minimize employee-related costs, such as payroll taxes, benefits, overtime, and workers’ comp premiums. While it may be tempting to classify some of your employees as independent contractors,, with the growing risk of penalties, you’ll want to make sure your business is doing it right. What risks do employers face under the Unemployment Insurance Code for not properly classifying employees? These risks include under-paying their taxes and having to pay their employees’ share of payroll taxes, both of which may result in incurring penalties and interest. When you work as an independent contractor, you are an individual entity. You are, however, responsible for managing your own payment and taxes.


If employers are not yet registered with EDD as an employing unit, they are encouraged to register and begin filing and paying their taxes utilizing EDD’s online e-Services for Business. Certain bona fide business-to-business contracting relationships. Borello applies to determine whether the business providing services is an employee of the business contracting for the services if initial requirements are met. Borello applies to determine whether the service provider is an employee of the referral agency if initial requirements are met. However, the ABC test is designed to make it easier for both businesses and workers to determine in advance whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee.

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Alta Performance com Equilíbrio: O Segredo Real para Vencer na Vida Moderna

Renata César propõe um novo modelo de sucesso baseado em constância, bem-estar e hábitos sustentáveis — e não na exaustão. Você precisa se esgotar para vencer? Talvez não. A busca desenfreada pela alta performance — produtividade máxima, corpo ideal, sucesso financeiro e vida perfeita nas redes sociais — se tornou o novo padrão. Mas esse […]



Renata César propõe um novo modelo de sucesso baseado em constância, bem-estar e hábitos sustentáveis — e não na exaustão.

Você precisa se esgotar para vencer? Talvez não. A busca desenfreada pela alta performance — produtividade máxima, corpo ideal, sucesso financeiro e vida perfeita nas redes sociais — se tornou o novo padrão. Mas esse modelo está nos adoecendo. O Brasil é o país mais ansioso do mundo, segundo a OMS. E 80% das pessoas desistem de programas de saúde nos primeiros meses. O motivo? Um sistema de exigência extrema, que ignora a individualidade e o equilíbrio emocional.

Renata César propõe uma nova rota: vencer sem se perder.

Especialista em qualidade de vida, Renata acredita que o verdadeiro sucesso vem da constância, da leveza e do alinhamento com o próprio ritmo. Para ela, “o verdadeiro avanço acontece quando adotamos uma rotina equilibrada, sem a pressão da perfeição”.


A Nova Ciência da Performance Equilibrada

Estudos da Harvard Health mostram que pessoas que cultivam equilíbrio têm 45% mais chance de manter bons hábitos no longo prazo. Pequenas mudanças, feitas de forma contínua, geram grandes transformações.


Caminhar 20 minutos por dia, ajustar o sono, reduzir gradualmente o açúcar… Tudo isso reduz em até 40% os níveis de cortisol e aumenta os hormônios do bem-estar.  Ou seja: menos cobrança, mais saúde — e, paradoxalmente, mais resultados.

Esgotamento Não é Vitória: É Alerta! 


O relatório State of the Global Workplace 2023 revelou que 60% das pessoas se sentem emocionalmente exaustas. Isso não é sucesso. Isso é colapso.

Renata reforça:  

“Se você precisa sacrificar sua saúde mental para ter sucesso, então esse sucesso não é sustentável.” A Filosofia de Renata César: O Jogo É com Você, não com os Outros.

A proposta é clara:   Pare de correr contra o tempo e contra os outros.  

Comece a caminhar com você.


“Ganhar o jogo da vida não é sobre ser o melhor no menor tempo possível. É sobre construir um caminho sólido, sustentável e alinhado ao seu próprio ritmo” diz Renata.

O Futuro da Alta Performance é Humano

Esse novo olhar já vem impactando milhares de pessoas que encontraram, no equilíbrio, a chave para crescer de forma leve e contínua. Não se trata de vencer o outro. Mas de vencer a si mesmo — todos os dias — com presença, consciência e bem-estar.

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Treinos intensos, influenciadoras e muita energia: Decathlon lança nova coleção com eventos exclusivos no Rio, SP e BH

Uma manhã de alto desempenho, mulheres inspiradoras e uma experiência fitness inesquecível! Assim foi o lançamento da nova coleção Endor Fitness, da Decathlon, que tomou conta do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte em uma série de eventos exclusivos repletos de movimento, bem-estar e tecnologia esportiva. Com treinos desafiadores comandados por especialistas, o […]



Uma manhã de alto desempenho, mulheres inspiradoras e uma experiência fitness inesquecível! Assim foi o lançamento da nova coleção Endor Fitness, da Decathlon, que tomou conta do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte em uma série de eventos exclusivos repletos de movimento, bem-estar e tecnologia esportiva.

Com treinos desafiadores comandados por especialistas, o evento fez parte da campanha Movendo Todas, uma iniciativa da Decathlon para incentivar a prática esportiva entre as mulheres. No Rio de Janeiro, a energia do Quiosque Musa, em São Conrado, foi palco de um aulão funcional intenso com o personal Ricardo Lapa, reunindo influenciadoras e apaixonadas por treino à beira-mar. Em São Paulo, a Decathlon Morumbi ferveu com a performance do Lapa Team, levando um circuito de alta intensidade que testou os limites das participantes. Já em Belo Horizonte, a treinadora Tayná Karine colocou as convidadas para suar com uma aula transformadora na Decathlon BH Sul.

Mas não foi só suor e superação! Após os treinos, as participantes desfrutaram de um brunch especial, pensado para repor as energias com opções nutritivas e equilibradas. Além disso, puderam experimentar a nova coleção Endor Fitness em primeira mão, sentindo na pele o conforto e a tecnologia dos tecidos respiráveis e modelagens ergonômicas que prometem revolucionar o mundo fitness.

Com uma proposta inovadora, a Decathlon reforçou seu compromisso de tornar o esporte acessível e inspirar mulheres a se movimentarem sem limitações. Se você perdeu essa experiência única, confira agora as fotos exclusivas dos eventos e sinta a energia contagiante que tomou conta das cidades!


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 Lollapalooza Brasil 2025: Budweiser apresenta DJs brasileiros no Palco Bud Zero

Conteúdo parceiro | Nextpop Falta pouco para o Lollapalooza Brasil 2025 e os fãs já estão se preparando para três dias inesquecíveis de música e experiências únicas nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de março. Entre as novidades mais aguardadas deste ano está o Palco Bud Zero, um espaço dentro do estande da Budweiser que promete […]



Conteúdo parceiro | Nextpop

Falta pouco para o Lollapalooza Brasil 2025 e os fãs já estão se preparando para três dias inesquecíveis de música e experiências únicas nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de março. Entre as novidades mais aguardadas deste ano está o Palco Bud Zero, um espaço dentro do estande da Budweiser que promete transformar os intervalos dos shows em verdadeiras pistas de dança. Afinal, com Bud Zero o Lolla dura mais! A programação especial traz nomes festejados da música eletrônica nacional, como Syon Trio, Discos Baratos, Camila Mina e Thay Girão, que assumem a picape para manter a energia do festival sempre no alto!  

Um dos espaços mais disputados do Lollapalooza Brasil, o estande da Budweiser promete ser ainda mais vibrante em 2025, atraindo quem quer prolongar a festa e curtir cada segundo do festival. Confira o line-up do Palco Bud Zero:

Além de curtir sets eletrizantes, quem visitar o espaço da Budweiser poderá aproveitar ativações exclusivas. Os brindes incluem tirantes personalizados para copos e celulares, garantindo que o público aproveite cada momento com estilo. Outra atração imperdível é um camarim interativo, inspirado nas exigências mais icônicas e extravagantes dos maiores astros da música – o cenário perfeito para fotos incríveis dignas de um verdadeiro rockstar. Para completar a experiência, o estande contará com torneiras de chopp com autoatendimento, garantindo um serviço rápido e prático – especialmente para quem já estiver com o copo da Bud em mãos.  

Não perca nenhuma novidade sobre a Budweiser no Lollapalooza Brasil 2025! Acompanhe tudo pelas redes sociais da marca.


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